Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Changing Still Life

When drawing the changing still life one thing that I had to do was roughly draw the objects because it was changing so fast. I think that this helped in a way because then I was just putting down the main shape and placement of the objects instead of drawing the details and trying to get the circle exactly right.
A second thing I had to do was shading. With the jar when the bowl was added behind it I had enough time to put in the shape of the bowl and then shade over it where the jar covered because since the jar was glass you could see a blurred outline of the bowl.
The third thing I had to do was Erase. After all the objects were put in I had to erase the separate objects and change the picture as they were taken out. When some of the objects were taken out they didn't effect my picture as much because they were to the side but some (like the drift would and the first jar) were pretty important pieces that blocked a lot of stuff which I had to put back in.

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